Resadisc® is a bipolar device for minimally invasive decompression of the disc that uses the innovative technology of QMR (Quantum Molecular Resonance) for the treatment of lumbar and cervical disc protrusions.
Disc decompression, of either lumbar or cervical discs using QMR technology is achieved without causing ionic agitation within the disc nucleus, preventing cellular overheating. The molecular bonds disintegrate at low temperature, thereby preserving the integrity of adjacent bonds.
The Resadisc® bipolar device bases its operating principle on innovative high-frequency QMR® technology. The combination of various harmonics (4.8, 12 and 16 MHz) generates the precise energy capable of breaking the molecular bonds of the nucleus pulposus and allows disc decompression. QMR® technology ensures the extreme precision of the treatment, localised to a working area at the distal tip of the electrode.
The Resadisc® Kit consists of:
Resadisc is a bipolar device for minimally invasive decompression of the disc that uses the innovative technology of QMR® (Quantum Molecular Resonance), for the treatment of lumbar and cervical disc protrusions.
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